Official Gazette publishes appointment of new Central Bank directors

Official Gazette publishes appointment of new Central Bank directors
Official Gazette publishes appointment of new Central Bank directors
The new directors of the Central Bank (BC), Gabriel Galípolo and Ailton de Aquino Santos, were appointed this Friday (7th) by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. The act was published in an ordinance in the Official Diary of the Union Gabriel Galípolo takes over the Monetary Policy Board and Ailton de Aquino, the Supervisory Board. They had the approved names by the plenary of the Federal Senate, on the 4th, with votes of 39 to 12 and 42 to 10, respectively.

Galípolo and Aquino are the first nominees for the Central Bank directorship in the current government and will replace the director of Economic Policy, Diogo Guillem, in the role of director of monetary policysince he accumulated the functions, and Paulo Sérgio Neves de Souza, who temporarily occupied the Inspection Board.

Former executive secretary of the Ministry of Finance, Gabriel Galípolo is 41 years old and holds a degree in economics from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP), where he also received a master’s degree in political economy. He was head of the Economic Advisory at the Secretariat for Metropolitan Transport and director of the Project Structuring Unit at the Secretariat for Economy and Planning, in the government of the state of São Paulo. He was also president of Banco Fator.

Lawyer Aílton Aquino has been a career employee at the Central Bank for 25 years, having served as chief auditor and held leadership positions in the Budget, Financial Execution and Accounting departments. He holds a law degree from Centro Universitário UDF and also holds an undergraduate and graduate degree in accounting sciences from the State University of Bahia. Aquino also specializes in business economic engineering, public law and international accounting.

Foto de © Lula Marques/ Agência Brasil

banco central,novos diretores,Nomeação,Economia

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