Official inflation measured by the IBGE drops by 0.08% in June

Official inflation measured by the IBGE drops by 0.08% in June
Official inflation measured by the IBGE drops by 0.08% in June
O IPCA-15, released by the IBGE this Tuesday (11), recorded a decrease of 0.08%. This is the lowest value for a month of June since 2017, when the index had a reduction of 0.23%.

In June 2022, the rate had been 0.67%.

The result was mainly influenced by the drop in the prices of Food and beverages (-0.66%) and Transport (-0.41%). Household items (-0.42%) and Communication (-0.14%) also recorded a decline in IPCA prices in June.

The drop in the Food and beverages group is due, above all, to the decline in food prices at home, with emphasis on the drop in the price of soy oil (-8.96%), fruit (-3.38%), long life milk (-2.68%) and meat (-2.10%). On the other hand, potatoes (6.43%) and garlic (4.39%) rose in price.

In transport, the falls occurred in the prices of new cars (-2.76%) and used cars (-0.93%).

Also worthy of mention is the result of fuels (-1.85%), due to the declines in diesel oil (-6.68%), ethanol (-5.11%), vehicular gas (-2. 77%) and gasoline (-1.14%).

On the side of increases, the biggest impact came from Housing (0.10 pp). In this sector, the major contribution came from residential electricity (1.43%), due to readjustments applied in four areas covered by the index: Belo Horizonte, Recife, Curitiba and Porto Alegre.

The sewage rate also increased due to tariff readjustments in Belém, Curitiba, São Paulo and Aracaju.

According to the IPCA, five areas showed increases in June. The largest were in Belo Horizonte and Recife.

The city of Goiânia, on the other hand, was the one that recorded the greatest deflation in the country, that is, the greatest drop in prices.

By Brasil 61

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