Paraná: last days for herd update registration

As of this Monday (9) there are 11 days left for the end of the period for the cadastral update campaign for the herd in Paraná. The herd upgrade campaign started on May 1st and runs through June 30th. The update is mandatory for all rural producers with production animals of any kind under their care.

“Since June 1, the issuance of the GTA, which is the Animal Transit Guide, has already been blocked for those who have not declared. As of June 30, those who do not declare can be charged and receive a fine for this non-declaration”, warns Rafael Gonçalves Dias, manager of Animal Health at the Agricultural Defense Agency of Paraná (Adapar).

In addition, those who do not follow the requirement will not be able to obtain the Animal Transit Guide (GTA), a document necessary for the movement of animals between properties and for slaughter in slaughterhouses.

The GTA will only be issued after updating all existing animal species on the property. Dias explains that the update is necessary for all species of production animals on the property (cattle, buffalo, horses, donkeys, mules, pigs, sheep, goats, birds, fish and other aquatic animals, bee hives and -silk).

According to Adapar, 63.8% of rural producers in Paraná registered their herds in a month and a half. Of the 21 regions in the state, 12 have not yet reached the state average. Curitiba is the one with the lowest percentage of proof, with 45.8%, followed by União da Vitória (49.8%) and Paranaguá (55.7%). The regions that most complied with the obligation were Toledo (86.4%), Paranavaí (72.6%) and Umuarama (71%).

Regarding the municipalities, São Manoel do Paraná and São Jorge do Ivaí have already completed 100% of the updates. Just below comes Nova Olímpia, with 98.3%, followed by Ouro Verde do Oeste (97.8%) and Virmond (96.5%). The worst municipal indexes are in Mandirituba (24%), Quitandinha (24.8%) and Florida (26.5%).


Registration can be done in two ways: online, through the site or Paraná Agro application, or in person at Adapar units, rural unions or service offices in your municipality (city halls).


The update is important so that health surveillance can know the location of the animals and how they move around the state. This helps ensure that the region is considered FMD free without vaccination. It is essential to know where the animals are, especially the birds, in order to act quickly and efficiently, especially now that the country and the State are at risk of having cases of avian flu in commercial farms.

According to Pâmela Fernandes, vaccination is essential to avoid economic loss and diseases that are transmitted to humans, in the case of non-vaccinated cattle. “It takes a lot of economic damage, because it is transmitted from one animal to another and generally these are diseases that cannot be controlled. Typically, it is necessary to isolate the cattle or even slaughter or quarantine them, ”she points out.

By Brasil 61

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