Parliamentarians bet on the bioeconomy for the sustainable development of the country

The relaunch of the Joint Parliamentary Front for Bioeconomy Innovation brought together, this Wednesday (3), parliamentarians, specialists and authorities in the Chamber of Deputies. President of the front, federal deputy Evair de Melo (PP-ES) defended the improvement of the theme for the country’s growth, in addition to thinking about public policies aimed at a green economy.

“The group’s objective, of course, is to listen to the sector and work on the elaboration of laws that value this bioeconomy sector, which has great potential in our country. The bioeconomy has the potential to generate an impact of US$ 2 to 4 trillion a year between 2030 and 2040. An application of sectors ranging from agriculture, cosmetics, energy, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, cellulose paper, among others. The idea is to listen to this sector and act here in the house so that parliament can respond and create an environment of legislative power to make things happen.”

The collegiate was created in 2019, with the aim of boosting the legislative agenda linked to low-carbon economic development in Brazil, being a door for creating incentives for a sustainable economy with the use of new technologies and natural resources, that is, infinite resources that can be reused without affecting nature.

Bioeconomy could add US$ 284 billion per year to industrial revenue by 2050

The National Secretary of Bioeconomy of the Ministry of the Environment, Karina Pimenta, assesses the issue as important for the future of Brazil. For her, the front will help in sustainable development and boost dialogue on the subject.

“The bioeconomy is indeed the future, an important part of this future that we are talking about. And to have this interlocution between the parliament, between the executive, for the implementation of public policies of actions of a qualified debate on the different bioeconomies that we are talking about, we are talking about the Amazon, we are talking about the input of the Northeast, North, of the Center-West. We have been talking about several bioeconomies that will use resources from our Brazilian biodiversity that are very valuable to carry out these industrial, technological, scientific processes that can represent a very big economic leap”, he points out.

The parliamentary front also announced the installation of a social organization that will manage the Amazon Biotechnology Center. This becomes an Amazonian biobusiness for the creation of partnerships between the private sector and the state, in order to promote products and businesses, using biodiversity. The decree was signed by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, this Wednesday (3).

By Brasil 61

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