Per capita household income recovers in 2022, informs IBGE

Last year, the resumption of the labor market and the granting of Auxílio Brasil allowed a recovery in the income of the Brazilian population, according to the Continuous National Household Sample Survey (PNAD): Income from all sources 2022, released this Thursday- fair (11) by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).
The North and Northeast regions had the lowest values of average monthly household income per capita (R$ 1,096 and R$ 1,011, respectively), while the South and Southeast regions maintained the highest incomes (R$ 1,927 and R$ 1,891 , in this order).
The percentage of people with income in the country’s population rose from 59.8% in 2021 to 62.6% in 2022, the highest proportion of the historical series. Income from all jobs (R$2,659) fell by 2.1%, while income from other sources (R$1,657) grew by 12.1%.
In 2022, the mass of real monthly income from all jobs rose 6.6%, in one year, going to R$ 253.1 billion. According to the IBGE, the recovery comes after losses of 5.6% in 2020 and 3.2% in 2021, during the covid-19 pandemic.
“Between 2021 and 2022, the proportion of households with some beneficiary of other social programs, which includes Emergency Aid, dropped significantly (from 15.4% to 1.5%), while it increased (from 8.6% to 16.9%) the proportion of households with a beneficiary of the Auxílio Brasil/Bolsa Família. These oscillations may be linked to migrations between benefits (when it was more advantageous) or to possible difficulties for informants to correctly identify which benefit they received”, says the IBGE.
According to the survey, the real average monthly household income per capita was different when comparing households that received or did not receive some income transfer program, especially when the benefit was from the Auxílio Brasil/Bolsa Família Program.
The real average monthly household income per capita in households that received the Auxílio Brasil, in 2022, was R$533. time, in households that received other social programs the average income was R$ 814.
In 2022, the average income of the top 1% of the population (monthly per capita household income of BRL 17,447) was 32.5 times greater than the average income of the bottom 50% (BRL 537). In 2021, this ratio was 38.4 times.
Income inequality declined in the population as a whole and also in the employed population: the Gini Index for household income per capita fell from 0.544 to 0.518 and the Gini Index for income from all jobs fell from 0.499 to 0.486, both lowest in the series.
The Gini Index is an instrument to measure the degree of income concentration, indicating the difference between the income of the poorest and richest. The index varies from zero to one, with zero representing equality, that is, everyone has the same income. One means the extreme of inequality, that is, one person owns all the wealth.
Foto de © Tânia Rêgo/Agência Brasil
Economia,Pnad contínua,IBGE,Rendimento Médio,Auxílio Brasil,Índice de Gini,Pandemia,covid-19