Pernambuco: TechHub at the Suape Complex promises innovation in the production of green hydrogen

The Suape Industrial Port Complex, one of the main gateways to Pernambuco’s economy, intends to innovate in the production of green hydrogen (H2V) through a TechHub. The initiative is developed in partnership with the Chinese company CTG, the National Department of Senai, Senai Pernambuco and the state government. The objective is to make the port a space for research, development and innovation with a focus on green hydrogen.

Currently, the complex is prepared to receive 42 projects. With the growth of the project, a new moment of opportunities arose. During a fair in Hanover, Germany, the first Brazil-Germany bilateral call was closed between Senai and the German Federation of Industrial Research Associations (AIF).

“With AIF, we set up a joint call between Brazil and Germany so that Brazilian companies, together with German companies, can do what we call joint venture, which are joint technological projects exclusively for hydrogen technology. Practically all these projects between Brazilian and German companies will be placed in the attractive nucleus that is TechHub”, explains Senai’s Director of Innovation and Technology, Jefferson Gomes.

According to the director, the complex’s expectation is to obtain pilot projects applicable to the market, linked to environmental and social aspects. “I believe that this location will be extremely important in the coming years, because possibilities will be tested there, if we want to embark on this world related to the export of hydrogen. So we want, at the end of this process, to have new Brazilian companies entering this journey, which is the generation of renewable energy in the world. Our expectation is that this set of existing projects, something around 20%, will be transformed into products in 3 years”, he points out.

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For Gomes, Brazil has a great chance of being competitive in the H2V market, not only with the export of the product, but as an input for the industry. Senai’s Director of Innovation and Technology also points out other development possibilities for the country in the area of ​​sustainability.

“We are very capable of using biomass like sugarcane to produce fuel, and you can make a carbon credit balance with this type of production. So, Brazil can be a place where neo-industrialization will take place, that it is not a reindustrialization, it is an industrialization with a lot of use of renewable energies. Brazil is not only competitive in hydrogen. Brazil is competitive in bioeconomy, in this case for the production of energy, for the production of chemical inputs, cosmetics, of food and drugs”, he says.

Green Hydrogen Special Commission

The TechHub installed in the Suape Industrial Complex, in Pernambuco, will be the first place to be visited by the Special Committee on Green Hydrogen. The commission, created by members of the Federal Senate, aims to propose a set of public policies that can guide the production of H2V in Brazil.

The group is made up of six senators who are involved in the energy and technology transition process aimed at decarbonizing global economies. Of the six senators that make up the commission, three go to the state: Fernando Dueire (MDB-PE), Marcos Pontes (PL-SP) and Cid Gomes (PDT-CE), who chairs the commission.

For senator Fernando Dueire (MDB-PE), the commission’s work is based on offering a contribution to the country’s future through renewable energies. “On the agenda are the strengthening of technological bases in the pursuit of cost reduction, increased efficiency, training and human capital formation, energy planning, regulation and international cooperation. The work plan follows temporal stages, foreseeing debates with specialists, public hearings , external visits and exchange of knowledge with countries that already work with this energy, with totally clean sources or with carbon capture”, he emphasizes.

The visit of the Special Green Hydrogen Commission to the TechHub installed in the Suape Industrial Complex should take place on the 19th of May.

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By Brasil 61

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