Petrobras announces new fuel price policy

From now on, the market references will be the customer’s alternative cost as a priority and the marginal value for Petrobras.
According to the company, the customer’s alternative cost includes supply alternatives by suppliers of the same products or substitute products. Petrobras’ marginal cost is based on the cost of the different alternatives for the company, including the production, import and export of the product.
The assumptions, according to a note released by the company, are competitive prices per sales center, “optimal” participation of Petrobras in the market, optimization of its refining assets and profitability in a sustainable manner.
“Our model will consider Petrobras’ participation and the competitive price in each market and region, the optimization of our refining assets and profitability in a sustainable way”, said Petrobras’ Director of Logistics, Commercialization and Markets, Claudio Schlosser, according to note released by the company.
The readjustments will continue to be made without a defined periodicity and will avoid transfers of the volatility of international prices and the exchange rate to Brazilian consumers, according to the note.
“Competitive pricing also maintains a price level that guarantees the realization of investments foreseen in the Strategic Planning. Petrobras reinforces its commitment to value generation and long-term financial sustainability, preserving its performance in balance with the market, while providing its customers with greater predictability by containing sudden volatility peaks,” he says. the note.
Pricing decisions continue to be subordinated to the Market and Price Executive Group, made up of the company’s president, Jean Paul Prates, the executive director of Logistics, Commercialization and Markets and the CFO and Investor Relations director.
Foto de © Fernando Frazão/Agência Brasil
Economia,Petrobras,nova política de preços,combustíveis ,fim da paridade