Petrobras approves organizational adjustment | Brazil Agency

Petrobras approves organizational adjustment |  Brazil Agency
Petrobras’ Executive Board approved this week a proposal for internal organizational adjustment. The changes still need to be submitted to the Board of Directors. There are three main objectives: to guide the company towards an energy transition; group engineering, technology and innovation activities, which includes developing research and development projects; and bring together corporate activities in a management area.

The proposal provides for the creation of new boards in the company to replace others. The total number will not change. The nominations for their coordination are up to President Jean Paul Prates. One of the new directorates is Energy Transition and Renewable Energy. If approved, Maurício Tolmasquim takes the lead. The planned activities are decarbonization, climate change, new technologies, sustainability, and natural gas trading.

The Production Development department will become the Engineering, Technology and Innovation department and will incorporate the Leopoldo A. Miguez de Mello Research and Development Center (Cenpes). The sector continues to be led by Carlos José do Nascimento Travassos. The Industrial Processes and Products board will replace the current Refining, Gas and Energy board, occupied by William França da Silva. Among its main attributions, it encompasses the management of petroleum refining derivatives, gas derivatives and biocomponents.

The current Commercialization and Logistics department, headed by Claudio Romeo Schlosser, is now called the Logistics, Commercialization and Markets department. The Institutional Relationship and Sustainability department will be extinguished. Executive director Clarice Coppetti joins the new Corporate Management department, which will manage internal processes for managing people, health, environment and safety (HSE) and shared services.

Carlos Augusto Barreto remains responsible for the Digital Transformation area, which will be subordinated to the Corporate Management board. The executive management of communication and brands, social responsibility and external relations will be directly linked to the presidency. The Financial and Investor Relations department, coordinated by Sergio Caetano Leite, is now responsible for the Portfolio Management area. The Exploration and Production and Governance and Compliance directorates will be maintained.

Foto de © Fernando Frazão/Agência Brasil


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