Petrobras reduces the value of diesel by R$ 0.44 and gasoline by R$ 0.40

The average price of gasoline will be reduced by BRL 0.40 per liter, from BRL 3.18 to BRL 2.78 – the amount paid by distributors.
In a note, Petrobras points out that the amount charged to the final consumer at the service stations is affected by other factors such as taxes, blend of biofuels and profit margins from distribution and resale.
“Petrobras regains its freedom to set prices. We freed ourselves from a single and exclusive factor, which was parity,” Petrobras president Jean Paul Prates told the press in Brasília.
“It was time to Brazilianize fuel prices”, assessed the Minister of Mines and Energy, Alexandre Silveira, noting that today is a day of celebration for the government and for society.
Foto de © Fernando Frazão/Agência Brasil