PF investigates naphtha leak in the Port of Paranaguá

PF investigates naphtha leak in the Port of Paranaguá
This Thursday (13), the Federal Police (PF) launched Operation Águas Carijó to investigate naphtha leaks at the Terin maritime terminal, in the Port of Paranaguá (PR). According to the port administrator, so far, two rupture points have been identified in a pipe.

The first leak was identified on Sunday night (9). Yesterday (12), Portos do Paraná, the public company responsible for the port complex formed, reported having identified yet another leak point. The complex is formed by the ports of Paranaguá and Antonina.

A team of technicians from the company Terin starts chipping the pipe today – a procedure that uses a specific foam for cleaning.

Naphtha is a petroleum-derived compound that serves as raw material for petrochemical industries, used in the manufacture of substances such as ethylene, benzene, propylene, toluene and xylenes.


The investigation launched today aims to clarify the causes of the environmental disaster whose consequences have not yet been dimensioned, says the PF, which served a search and seizure warrant on the ship responsible for transporting and pumping the fuel that leaked “in large quantities”.

“The leak occurred at the time of the unloading operation, which is done by pumping the product through pipes”, detailed the PF – which has already collected “documents and information that will help to reconstitute and understand the event”, with the purpose of identifying whether the leak was due to “some form of criminal action or negligence”.

In a note, Portos do Paraná informs that the operation of ships at the Public Pier for Liquid Bulk is released, as well as road access to the terminals that operate in the “areas covered by the emergency”.

The National Waterway Transport Agency (Antaq) says that it monitors actions at the terminal and that maritime operations are regularized.

Foto de © Reuters/Rodolfo Buhrer/Direitos reservados

Economia,Porto de Paranaguá,vazamento de nafta,Polícia Federal,Operação Águas Carijó

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