Pix is ​​the main means of payment for individual microentrepreneurs

Pix is ​​the main means of payment for individual microentrepreneurs
Pix is ​​the main means of payment for individual microentrepreneurs

Payment system most used by Brazilians, Pix has become increasingly essential for the operation of small businesses. According to the third edition of the Pulso dos Pequenos Negócios survey, carried out by the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae) and by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), 52% of individual microentrepreneurs (MEI) considered the modality as the primary means of receiving payments.

Even with maintenance fees considered high by the MEI, the credit card ranks second in preference, being the method most used by 20% of micro-entrepreneurs. Money comes in third at 12%.

Among micro and small companies, which earn between R$82,000 and R$4.8 million per year, Pix shares preference with credit cards. The two modalities appear first, as the main means of receiving funds in 27% of the businesses. In second place, come the boletos, with 18%.

Regarding MEI, the percentage of micro-entrepreneurs who consider Pix as the main method of receiving resources rose by one point compared to the first edition of the survey, published in August last year. According to Sebrae, low costs in relation to card machines and instantaneous transfers consolidate Pix as an essential tool for the category.

According to Sebrae, other factors that are increasing preference for Pix in small businesses are the lack of concern for change, ease of financial control and practicality in making cash flow management decisions, such as paying suppliers. In some cases, points out the institution, entrepreneurs are offering discounts to customers who use Pix.

In micro and small companies, the situation is a little different. The credit card continues to be used, according to Sebrae, because of the possibility of paying the purchases in installments or paying the invoice once a month. Even with the fees of the machines, micro and small entrepreneurs continue to offer the modality.

Check the survey data below.

Main payment method used by customers:

Individual Microentrepreneur (MEI)

Pix – 52%

Credit card – 20%

Cash – 12%

Debit card – 6%

Ticket – 4%

Doc/Ted – 2%

Other – 5%

Micro and small companies

Pix – 27%

Credit card – 27%

Cash – 6%

Debit card – 8%

Ticket – 18%

Doc/Ted – 9%

Other – 5%


The survey also asked what is the top concern among small business owners. The increase in costs led the mentions, cited by 38% of respondents (MEI and micro and small entrepreneurs). Despite leading the concerns, there was a reduction of four percentage points in relation to the first edition of the survey.

In second place, comes the lack of customers, which went from 24% in August to 31% now. According to Sebrae, the increase is related to high interest rates and household indebtedness. This is because high interest rates curb consumption and increase the concern of small business owners to have someone to sell to, which outweighs concerns about higher costs.

The fear of lack of customers, showed survey, has held entrepreneurs to pass on cost increases to consumers. Although 78% reported increased spending on inputs, fuel, rent and energy in the last 30 days, 49% did not pass on the impact to customers, 41% did partially and only 8% fully passed on higher costs. A total of 2% did not know or did not answer.

In August of last year, 76% of small business owners complained about rising costs. Of this total, 43% did not transfer, 47% transferred partially and 9% fully.

The combination of a drop in the number of customers and higher costs affected small business revenues. According to the survey, 42% reported a drop in revenue compared to the same period last year and only 25% earned more. On average, sales dropped by 10%. Among the 22 segments analyzed, only two are earning more this year: food industry and business services.

The third edition of the Pulso dos Pequenos Negócios survey was carried out between April 24 and May 2, using a form online. In all, 7,537 entrepreneurs from 26 states and the Federal District participated in the survey. The poll has a margin of error of 1 percentage point up or down.

Foto de © Rovena Rosa/Agência Brasil

Economia,microempreendedores individuais,MEI,PIX,meio de pagamento,pesquisa,Sebrae

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