Political scientist defends creation of the Brics Parliamentary Front in the Senate

Intensifying Brazil’s relations with the other Brics countries is important, but care must be taken not to isolate oneself from other groups. This is what political scientist André César points out. The expert highlights the commercial partnership between Brazil and China, the second largest economic power in the world, within the bloc. However, he recalls that Russia has become a pariah on the international stage due to the war in Ukraine.

Formed by Brazil, Russia, China, India and South Africa, the Brics acts as a cooperation mechanism in areas that have the potential to generate concrete results for Brazilians and the populations of other member countries. According to the federal government, the group represents more than 3 billion inhabitants and US$ 25 trillion in GDP, or 40% of the world’s population and about a quarter of global GDP.

The BRICS summit is scheduled to take place between the 22nd and 24th of August in Johannesburg, South Africa. On June 22, the President of the Republic Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) met with the President of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa, in Paris, France, to talk about the summit.

In 2022, the volume of foreign trade between the two countries was US$ 2.6 billion, of which US$ 1.7 billion in Brazilian exports and US$ 900 million in South African exports. The most exported Brazilian products were oil (16% of the total), chicken (12%) and vehicles (7.2%). In imports from South Africa, silver and platinum were at the top (33%), followed by coal (11%) and aluminum (10%). The data is from the federal government.

Parlamentar dos Brics Front

With the aim of improving Brazilian participation in the bloc, the Parliamentary Group of the BRICS was installed in the Federal Senate. Senator Irajá (PSD-TO) was the one who suggested the creation of the group, a proposal that was approved in plenary by the other senators in May (PRS 11/2023). Among the objectives of the Parliamentary Front for Relations with the Brics are to monitor the legislation and policies that involve the bloc, promote exchanges with parliaments of other member countries and monitor the proceedings in the Federal Senate and in the National Congress of matters that deal with matters of interest of the BRICS

According to senator Irajá, who chairs the group, the Parliamentary Front of the Brics will be an important vehicle to promote the convergence of interests and the search for joint solutions.

“Through a constant and collaborative dialogue, we will identify business opportunities, promote integration, encourage bilateral investments, encourage innovation, technology exchange and scientific cooperation. By strengthening our ties with these nations, we strengthen our ability to tackle global challenges such as climate change,” he says.

Specialist André César assesses that the measure may strengthen Brazil’s participation.

“It’s one more element to give more, let’s say, consistency to Brazil’s position within the Brics. To say: look, we even have within the scope of the National Congress, we have a front that deals exclusively with issues related to the bloc. So it’s important, it helps the debate, hold seminars, bring authorities from the countries that make up the Brics. I think that’s important,” he points out.

By Brasil 61

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