Port sector in Brazil grows in cargo handling

The port sector in Brazil handled 98.6 million tons in April this year. The number represents a growth of 1.2% compared to the same period last year, according to data from the Waterway Statistics of the National Waterway Transport Agency (ANTAQ).

This increase is driven by greater movement of iron ore and soy, with 27.4 million and 18 million tons handled, respectively. Oil (crude oil) closes the trio of goods most moved in the month, with 15.6 million tons moved.

Between January and April, the port sector handled 379.5 million tons, an increase of 1.91% compared to the same period in 2022. Exports grew 4.16% compared to the previous year.

Paraná has a share in this growth. In May of this year, the state recorded its largest port movement, with more than 6 million tons of cargo handled. The port operators of Paranaguá and Antonina achieved a positive volume by adding import and export products.

The director-president of Portos do Paraná, Luiz Fernando Garcia, emphasizes the importance of movement in Paranaguá, which broke records in May of this year.

“This month of May, we reached more than 6 million tons, approximately 6,200 million tons of products moved for export and import in the Ports, largely due to our efficiency, the port efficiency of Paraná has been recognized by the market. And the market has increasingly opted for our offered conditions. In addition, of course, to a very good vintage. So, the grain greatly favors these numbers, the product being sold at the time of Brazil’s position in the international market makes these exports high,” he points out.

Highlight in the result achieved by Paraná, exports in the state grew 29% in the month of May, when compared to the same period of 2022. More than 4 million tons were exported by the state this year.

By Brasil 61

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