PR: pork price is up 5% for the consumer

PR: pork price is up 5% for the consumer
For the consumer, the price of pork increased by about 5% from January to May 2023 compared to the average value of 2022. Agricultural Situation Bulletin of the Department of Rural Economy (Deral), the explanation for part of this increase is the increase in pork exports from Brazil.

In the first 5 months of this year, more than 473,000 tons of pork were exported, a volume 16% higher than in the same period of 2022. Safras E Mercado consultant Fernando Iglesias assesses that the recovery of exports is an important factor for the market of pig farming, as 2022 was a year of crisis for the sector.

“The sector operated with very tight and deteriorated margins and this year it is experiencing some recovery in its prices, but not in a very aggressive way”, he explains.

The consultant states that there is not much room for consistent increases in pork this year due to the greater availability of beef on the market today.

“For the second half, I would say that Brazil will continue to sell large volumes of animal protein, not just pork. Its exports will maintain a good performance, but in any case, the most positive point in terms of price should happen in the last quarter — which is effectively the period of greatest demand throughout the year”, he clarifies.

According to the bulletin, beef exports from Brazil fell 9.5% in the first five months of 2023, when compared to the same period in 2022. This drop is attributed, in part, to the interruption of purchases by China, which is the main buyer of Brazilian protein.

The average prices paid to chicken, beef and pork producers in Paraná suffered a reduction of 1.9%, 7.5% and 8.1%, respectively, in May compared to the previous month. In the same month, the average price per kilogram of chicken was BRL 4.77, arroba of beef was BRL 255.38 and a kilogram of pork was BRL 6.10.

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By Brasil 61

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