President of Ipea promises more open action by the body

In her speech, Luciana Servo said that Ipea’s actions must be guided by the recognition that the economy mixes with other elements of reality, such as social and environmental policies. She promised to expand partnerships with other public bodies, academic institutions, international organizations and dialogue more with civil society entities.
“Contributing to social, inclusive and environmentally sustainable development means understanding that the economic, social, environmental, cultural, territorial and global aspects go hand in hand and need to be coordinated so that Brazil effectively becomes a developed country”, he declared. the president of IPEA. “To a large extent, Ipea is a great learning space.”
At the opening of the speech, Luciana Servo said that her nomination reflects the commitment of the Minister of Planning, Simone Tebet, to guarantee gender and race parity in her team. “Being the third woman to chair Ipea and the first black woman reflects the priority given to the agenda of gender and race equity in this government and your determination to implement it, minister (Simone Tebet)”, thanked the president of Ipea. “Ipea is engaged in its commitment to contribute to the mission of planning the actions of the federal government, which is central to ensuring the effectiveness of public policies.
Luciana Servo also said that her management will be guided by respect for minorities and recalled the murder of councilor Marielle Franco, who turned five this Tuesday (14). “It is unacceptable that, in the 21st century, a woman is murdered for defending the rights of the blackest and poorest population, or that she is oppressed as a result of her struggle and political action. Yesterday’s date (March 14) was marked in us by the violence it represented and will become the Marielle Franco Day to confront political violence”, she highlighted.
Present at the inauguration ceremony, Minister Simone Tebet said that Ipea will have an important mission in the preparation of the Pluriannual Plan (PPA), a law elaborated every four years that guides the priorities for federal public policies. The next PPA will have the project disclosed in August, along with the 2024 Budget project, and should be voted on by the end of the year.
“We will present a nautical chart. Brazil was adrift for four years, in the worst health pandemic of humanity, because the then president was a helmsman who did not have a nautical chart. He didn’t know which way to go and he couldn’t put Brazil in a safe haven, because we didn’t have a Ministry of Planning”, said Tebet.
“Today we have a Ministry of Planning that is presenting the nautical chart to Brazil. We are going to do the PPA alongside Ipea, Enap, commanded by Minister Esther Dweck, and the IBGE”. In addition to Tebet and Dweck, the ceremony was attended by the national planning secretaries, Leany Lemos, and the executive secretary of the Ministry of Human Rights and Citizenship, Rita Cristina de Oliveira.
A career employee at Ipea since 1998 and director of the Association of Employees at Ipea, Servo was announced at the end of January. She is the third woman and the first black woman to head the municipality. Before her, Ipea was chaired by two other women: Aspásia Camargo, from 1993 to 1995, and Vanessa Petrelli Corrêa, who took over on an interim basis in 2012.
According to the Ministry of Planning, Luciana Servo works on projects in the health area, such as the Evaluation of health policies, Prioriza SUS, SHA Accounts for Brazil and the Satellite Health Account.
The economist also produced, as co-author, reports from the Council for Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Policies (CMAP), participated in a study on the demand and supply of hospital beds and assisted ventilation equipment during the covid-19 pandemic and in a work on municipal spending on primary health care.
Foto de © Fabio Rodrigues-Pozzebom/ Agência Brasil
Economia,Presidenta do Ipea,Luciana Servo,Ipea,Posse