Project that extends incentives for Sudam and Sudene has a favorable opinion from the rapporteur

The rapporteur for the project that extends until 2028 the incentives for companies installed in the areas covered by the Superintendencies for the Development of the Northeast (Sudene) and the Amazon (Sudam), federal deputy Eduardo Bismarck (PDT-CE), presented a favorable opinion on the proposal. O PL 4416/2021authored by Deputy Júlio Cesar (PSD-PI), awaits a vote in the Constitution, Justice and Citizenship Commission (CCJC) to go to the Senate.

Tax lawyer Jorge Lucas de Oliveira explains that the creation of Sudam and Sudene aims to map regions with deficits in development in the country in order to propose measures capable of reducing inequalities between states. According to the specialist, the extension of the incentives is fundamental for the maintenance of companies and jobs in the areas where the municipalities operate.

“The main incentive for companies installed in these areas where Sudene and Sudam operate is that they can count on a 75% reduction in income tax, based on the operating profit. In addition to participation in some development funds directed to these areas. The importance of extending these incentives is that they caused a kind of cascade effect from the promotion of investments and job creation in these areas strategically defined by these superintendencies”, he highlights.

In accordance with current rules, among the incentives is a 75% reduction in income tax based on the operating profit of legal entities that have a project filed by December 31, 2023 for installation, expansion, modernization or diversification, framed in the sectors of the economy considered a priority for regional development in the areas where Sudam and Sudene operate.

In addition, the rule provides for the possibility of depositing 30% of the IR amount owed by the undertakings, plus 50% of own resources for reinvestments in modernization projects or purchase of equipment. The proposal under analysis in the Chamber determines the extension of the deadline to December 31, 2028.

According to data from Sudene, between 2013 and 2022 more than 3,500 claims were approved. Incentivized companies generated more than 1.3 million jobs and reported investments of around R$ 294 billion in projects in the superintendence’s area of ​​operation. In the period from 2013 to 2021, it is estimated that for every BRL 1 in tax breaks, BRL 7.92 were invested in the region.

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Rapporteur’s vote

Deputy Eduardo Bismarck, in his opinion, voted for the constitutionality, legality and good legislative technique of PL 4416. In the justification, the congressman points out that “during the validity of these incentives, there was an incentive to industrial deconcentration. Many companies have settled in these areas and jobs have been created, making an important contribution to the development of these regions.”

In an interview with the Brasil portal, Bismarck stated that the incentives are important for the North and Northeast regions to make it easier for industries to settle in the regions.

“Today, we need to have this type of incentive so that industries can go to our states in the Northeast and North, invest there and keep jobs. What is the biggest difficulty? Today, you have an industry, for example, that is there in my Ceará, you have to look for raw material in the south of the country, do the freight to Ceará, produce the material and then sell the finished material to the consumer market, which is basically the Southeast, for the most part, or send them to large distribution centers, so they can be distributed to other states”, he points out.

Sudam and Sudene

Sudam and Sudene are part of the Federal Planning and Budget System and have administrative and financial autonomy. Linked to the Ministry of Integration and Regional Development (MDIR), the autarchy aims to promote the inclusive and sustainable development of the areas in which it operates, in addition to the competitive integration of the regional productive base in the national and international economy.

Headquartered in Belém, capital of Pará, Sudam’s operations cover the states of Acre, Amapá, Amazonas, Mato Grosso, Rondônia, Roraima, Pará, Tocantins and part of Maranhão. While Sudene operates in all states of the Northeast region and in part of Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo.

By Brasil 61

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