Pronampe has over R$ 50 billion guaranteed for micro and small companies

Pronampe has over R$ 50 billion guaranteed for micro and small companies
The granting of credit rose 45% in the last 2.5 years, accompanied by a significant increase in small businesses borrowing credit in the national financial system. Only under the National Support Program for Micro and Small Businesses (Pronampe) approximately R$ 37 billion in loans were granted last year, in almost 461 thousand operations. This result is higher than the almost R$ 25 billion that were lent in 2021, in 333 thousand credit operations. For 2023 and 2024, Pronampe still has another R$ 50 billion guaranteed for small entrepreneurs. The information is from a study carried out by Sebrae.

The study carried out by Sebrae shows that the volume of credit granted and the number of operations grew compared to the pre-pandemic period. Between April 2020, the beginning of the pandemic, and September 2022, BRL 886 billion in credit were granted to small businesses, a volume 45% higher than that observed before the pandemic, between September 2017 and March 2020. 2020, when the total volume was BRL 610 billion.

Source: Sebrae


Pronampe was created by a bill during the pandemic to facilitate loans to small and micro-entrepreneurs. Afterwards, it was transformed into a permanent credit policy. For the economist and president of the National Institute of Higher Studies (INAE), Raul Velloso, it was a right decision: “This type of program, like Pronampe, which the Lula government is inheriting, is a program that at a certain point is important, because it facilitates access to credit, gives longer terms and charges lower interest, at a time when the pandemic still has a bad impact on you and, in addition to that, interest rates are quite high.”

In 2023, the federal government sanctioned Law 14,554, which increased the payment period for Pronampe loans from 4 to 6 years. The new law also establishes a grace period of 12 months for the initiation of these payments by MSEs. The money from Pronampe loans can be used for investments, such as buying equipment and carrying out renovations; for operating expenses such as paying employee salaries, paying bills, and purchasing merchandise. The use of loans for the purpose of distributing profits is not permitted.

For Senator Izalci Lucas (PSDB-DF), any credit support initiative is important:

“This project was transformed into a definitive policy, into a definitive project. Because at the time it was presented and approved only in the pandemic, so the payment period went from four to six years, including increasing the grace period as well. And allowing those who have financing with FCO, the Fundo Centro Oeste, Fundo Norte and Fundo Nordeste, could also renegotiate the term of the financing that was made. So, I think it is of paramount importance for small and micro-entrepreneurs.”

About Pronampe

The National Support Program for Micro and Small Businesses (Pronampe) is a measure to create special conditions for micro and small businesses to access credit.

Pronampe is aimed at MEIs, micro and small companies. The line of credit can be used for both investment and operating expenses.

To access credit, you must share your company’s billing data on the Federal Revenue website.

By Brasil 61

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