Provisional measure changes deadline for joining the Rural Environmental Registry

Provisional measure changes deadline for joining the Rural Environmental Registry

Provisional Measure 1150/22 establishes a period of 180 days, counted from the call by the competent body, for the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) to be requested by the owner or possessor of a rural property. The text was published in the Official Gazette last week.

According to the Forest Code, registration of rural properties in the CAR is mandatory for joining the Environmental Regularization Program (PRA), established by the Union, the states or the Federal District. The change avoids the risk of the owner being blamed for not joining a PRA due to lack of analysis of the rural environmental register.

The MP’s rapporteur, Sérgio Souza (MDB-PR), tells what he expects with the proposal: “The expectation is that it will be transformed into law, at least in what there is no divergence, which is in relation to the deadline of the environmental regularization program and the changes that we promote and that concern the impacts, which will be very positive for the sector”, he pointed out.

The deputy justified the need for the change of term. “Since only six Brazilian states managed to implement the environmental regularization program, and only those who completed the CAR, Rural Environmental Registry, can join the environmental regularization program by the end of 2020”.


According to the wording provided by an amendment by Deputy Daniel Agrobom (PL-GO), approved in a highlighted manner and complied with by the Plenary, the new deadline will be one year from the summons by the environmental agency. “My expectation is that the Senate approves this provisional measure, also with this amendment, because I understand that it will be of great importance for rural producers, even for small producers, who still have difficulties in accessing new technologies to make these adhesions a little faster, so giving them a year of deadline for them to make these adhesions”, he explained.

Consultant and agronomist Charles Dayler explains the need for this review of deadlines. “The question of the MP is more in the sense of linking, or actually trying to synchronize, the rural producer’s registration in the PRA, according to the analytical capacity of the environmental agency”. And he exemplified what could happen with the previous rule: “You leave the matter linked merely by date, sometimes you put the person in a situation where he has to adhere to the PRA, even if the environmental agency has not evaluated his CAR yet. So first, the person has to enroll in the CAR, the CAR has to be analyzed, and from there he will or will not enroll in the PRA”, he detailed.


Before the Provisional Measure, Law 13.887/19 gave a deadline of up to two years for the application to register in the CAR, created in 2012 to collect detailed information on the use made of land in Brazil and support measures to recover the environment in permanent protection areas (APPs) and legal reserves.

By Brasil 61

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