Provisional measure will transform 13 thousand vacant positions into almost 9 thousand

Provisional measure will transform 13 thousand vacant positions into almost 9 thousand
Provisional measure will transform 13 thousand vacant positions into almost 9 thousand
The federal government will issue a provisional measure (MP) this Tuesday (18) to transform 13,375 currently vacant positions into another 8,935 within the scope of 9 federal agencies. Of these positions, more than 2,000 are to be transformed into commissioned positions to be distributed according to the needs of the federal public administration.

The changes were announced by the Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services. According to the folder, the MP will transform 10,506 effective mid-level positions that are currently vacant into 6,692 higher-level positions. The folder alleges difficulties in filling higher-level vacancies since the vacancies are all occupied while, on the other hand, mid-level vacancies remain.

“For example, IBAMA is a body where you have exhausted the number of vacancies for higher education. This is happening in several bodies. Today, we have a distribution of effective positions in the federal public administration that is very different from that required in the face of the digital transformation process. We need more qualified employees”, explained the Minister of Management, Esther Dweck.

According to the ministry, the digitization of Brazilian State services allows administrative positions currently vacant to be transformed into final positions, which, according to the portfolio, “increase the government’s capacity to deliver more public services”.

The Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBIO), for example, will transform 589 effective positions currently vacant into 260. IBAMA will transform 2,119 into 1,139 and the Ministry of the Environment will reduce from 472 to 388 positions. The Ministries of Health, Finance, the National Indian Foundation (FUNAI), the Brazilian Institute of Museums (IBRAM), among other bodies, should also have transformed positions.

“In fact, there will be a quantitative reduction in relation to what has already happened at the federal level, but they will be more qualified positions. We are modernizing and qualifying the Brazilian State to provide better public services”, justifies the minister.

The folder also informed that the MP will not have a budgetary impact on the Union.

Minister Esther Dweck added that another package for the transformation of positions will be sent along with the 2024 Annual Budget Law Project (PLOA), which must be sent to the Legislature by August 31. Dweck justified that the government decided to anticipate the transformation of some positions through this provisional measure due to the urgency of some needs identified by the Executive.

Commissioned Positions

The provisional measure will also transform another 2,869 vacant effective positions into 2,243 commission positions or trust functions, “in order to recompose the administrative structure of the State”, claims the folder. Minister Esther Dweck assesses that there has been a large reduction in the number of commissioned positions at the Esplanada dos Ministérios in recent years, which, according to the minister, is making it difficult to structure the bodies. In 2010, the ministries had approximately 34,000 positions available, reaching 2023 with 26,000 freely filled civil commissioned positions throughout Esplanada.

“There are extremely fragile areas (due to the lack of commissioners). The Digital Government Secretariat has a size that does not support its attributions today. We have an urgent need to recompose structures”, explained the minister, who mentioned the need for positions for Brazil to preside over the G20, to carry out the fiscal recovery of Minas Gerais, which entered the Tax Recovery Regime, and to create the Lotteries secretariat within of the Ministry of Finance. Dweck also cited the need for posts for the Rural Environmental Registry and the National Mining Agency (ANM).

Other MP points

The provisional measure, in addition to transforming these positions, will allow the payment of a 9% readjustment of the security forces of the Federal District, will create the Program to Combat the Social Security Queue (PEFPS) and will also extend the term of temporary contracts of the indigenous policy from 2 to 5 years. The provisional measure also provides for quotas for indigenous people of 10% to 30% in public tenders held by FUNAI, with the possibility of long-term workdays.

Foto de © Joédson Alves/Agência Brasil

Ministério da Gestão e Inovação em Serviços Públicos,Esther Dweck,Economia

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