Purchases and bill payments with Pix set a record in March

Purchases and bill payments with Pix set a record in March
The use of Pix, the Central Bank’s (BC) instant transfer system, for purchases and bill payments ended the first quarter with a record. In March, transactions from individuals to companies accounted for 27% of the total, reported this Wednesday (26) the BC.

This was the highest percentage in the historical series. When Pix came into operation in November 2020, only 5% of transactions were made from physical persons to companies.

In March, 683.75 million Pix transactions were from individuals to companies, a category that covers physical purchases, internet purchases and bill payment. This type of transaction moved BRL 423.27 billion last month.

Preference in using Pix continues in transactions between individuals, which accounted for 63% of transactions in March. In April 2021, the percentage was at 76%.

In March, the total use of Pix broke a record, surpassing the mark of 3 billion monthly transactions. The amount moved was also a record, with R$ 1.28 trillion transferred last month.

Foto de © Marcello Casal JrAgência Brasil

Economia,PIX,Recorde,banco central

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