Recycling front: exemption of the sector in the tax reform is a matter of justice

The president of the Parliamentary Front in Defense of the Recycling Productive Chain, federal deputy Carlos Gomes (Republicanos-RS), defends the end of tax collection for the sector in the tax reform. For him, the exemption represents justice for the recycling chain. The deputy also points to consumer awareness as fundamental to improving recycling rates in the country.

“We are talking about matter that is going to the landfill, to the landfill. It is this material that the industry wants in its production cycle to generate jobs and income. That is, they are materials that have already been taxed at least five times. So, it is not fair to tax once more in a new cycle. So it is to make Congress understand the importance of reducing the recycling chain”, says the congressman.

The legal consultant of the National Institute of Recycling (Inesfa), Rodrigo Terra, says that a differentiated tax treatment for recyclable materials can contribute to the introduction of these materials in the productive sector. However, he explains that, even in the case of approval of the reform with exemption forecast, there is a transition period for the new rules to take effect. Therefore, he points to PL 4035/2021 as a short-term solution, pending in the Chamber.

“PL 4035 is a project that aims to exempt sales of recyclable materials from PIS and Cofins and, on the other hand, allow PIS and Cofins credits for those who buy these materials. That is, at one end you exempt those who sell and at the other end you allow credit to those who make the purchase. This bill can certainly encourage the recycling chain in the short term”, he argues.

The proposal is attached to PL 1800/2021 and is awaiting the opinion of the rapporteur at the Finance and Taxation Commission.

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This Tuesday (13), the Parliamentary Front in Defense of the Recycling Production Chain promoted the seminar “Recycling – advances and challenges for the development of the sector”, with the participation of different actors in the production chain. During the event, speakers highlighted the importance of incentives for the sector. The need to promote social awareness about the relevance of the topic was also defended at the seminar. The debaters argued that educating the consumer to separate waste contributes to the improvement of the recycling cycle.

According to the Panorama of Solid Waste in Brazil 2022, published by the Brazilian Association of Public Cleaning and Special Waste Companies (Abrelpe), the country generated about 81.8 million tons of waste, which corresponds to 224 thousand tons per day . On average, each Brazilian produced 1.043 kg of waste per day. The study shows that dumps and controlled landfills are still in operation in all regions of the country and received 39% of the total waste collected, which corresponds to a total of 29.7 million tons with inadequate disposal.

National Solid Waste Policy

According to the National Sanitation Information System 2021, from the Ministry of Integration and Regional Development, 22 million Brazilians do not have access to home collection of solid waste. In 2010, the National Solid Waste Policy was instituted (law 12.305/2010), with the aim of reducing waste generation, encouraging sustainable habits and increasing the recycling and reuse of solid waste, in addition to providing for the proper disposal of materials.

The law provides for a shared responsibility for the life cycle of products, which includes manufacturers, importers, distributors and traders and consumers, in addition to public service holders of urban cleaning and solid waste management. Among the objectives of this joint accountability are the reduction of solid waste generation, material waste, pollution and environmental damage, in addition to market development, production and consumption of products derived from recycled and recyclable materials. The norm also creates goals to reduce the number of landfills in the country.

Another important mechanism foreseen in the National Solid Waste Policy is reverse logistics. A tool that provides the return of materials to the production cycle. The idea is that waste, such as packaging, electronics, batteries and others, returns to the business sector responsible for production so that they can be properly disposed of.

By Brasil 61

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