Rent readjustment index accumulates drop of 6.86% in 12 months

Rent readjustment index accumulates drop of 6.86% in 12 months
Rent readjustment index accumulates drop of 6.86% in 12 months
The IGP-M, the country’s main rent readjustment index, registered a drop of 1.93% in June. With this, the index has an accumulated reduction of 6.86% in 12 months. In this way, customers should perceive a lower rental price for new contracts. The data were released this Thursday (29).

Even if the pass-through of lower prices is more slowly felt by tenants, it is necessary to be aware of the need for stability or a decline in prices in the sector. There should be no inflationary pass-throughs in the rental sector.

Main components of the IGP-M

Some groups of products that make up the index and that registered a fall were Food (0.79% to -0.33%), Health and Personal Care (1.22% to 0.41%), Housing (0.75% to 0.41%), Communication (0.91% to 0.14%), Miscellaneous Expenses (0.75% to 0.32%) and Clothing (0.58% to 0.42%).

The Education, Reading and Recreation group registered an increase, from -2.32% to -0.55%. However, inflation remains negative in the category.

Specialists from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation, FGV-IBRE, also point out that, on the producer side, inflation registered a drop due to lower fuel prices at refineries.

With the increase in fuel prices as of this Thursday (29), it is expected that the drop in producer inflation will not be repeated with the same intensity in the coming months.

In addition, for this month, the prices of important agricultural commodities continued to fall.

On the consumer side, the main contributions were also due to the drop in fuel prices, of -3.00% for gasoline. In addition to these, there is the lowest price of new cars, at -3.76%.

The data are from Fundação Getúlio Vargas, FGV-IBRE.

By Brasil 61

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