Retail trade falls 0.1% from January to February

Retail grew 02.% in the quarterly moving average, 1% compared to February 2022, 1.8% in the year and 1.3% in the 12 months.
In February, six out of eight activities of retail trade had decrease: computer and communication office equipment and material (-10.4%), fabrics, clothing and footwear (-6.3%), other articles of personal and domestic use ( -2%), furniture and household appliances (-1.7%), hyper, supermarkets, food products, beverages and tobacco (-0.7%) and fuels and lubricants (-0.3%).
“We can make a reading of the results as a result of a bad period of Black Friday and Christmas, which resulted in a recovery in January and a sustaining of this level in February. In addition, a stable inflation scenario in some important sectors for our research, such as food at home, which impacts the activity of hyper and supermarkets, also helps to understand the results observed in February”, said the research coordinator, Cristiano Saints.
Two activities were discharged: pharmaceutical, medical, orthopedic and perfumery articles (1.4%) and books, newspapers, magazines and stationery (4.7%).
nominal income
Nominal revenue from retail trade grew 0.3% compared to January, 7.5% compared to February 2022, 9.3% accumulated in the year and 13.6% accumulated in 12 months.
Expanded retail sales volume, which also includes construction materials and vehicles/parts, increased by 1.7% from January to February. The segment of vehicles, motorcycles, parts and pieces grew by 1.4%. At the same time, the construction material sector fell by 2%.
In the quarterly moving average, broad retail expanded by 0.9%. There was also growth of 0.1% in the accumulated result for the year. However, there were decreases of 0.2% compared to February last year and 0.5% in the accumulated 12 months.
Expanded retail nominal revenue increased 1.8% compared to January, 6.6% compared to February 2022, 7.8% in the year and 11.7% in the 12 months.
Foto de © Tânia Rêgo/Agência Brasil
Economia,varejo,IBGE,Pesquisa Mensal do Comércio