Revenue receives more than 2 million tax returns in two days

This year, the deadline for submitting the declaration has changed. Started at 9 am this Wednesday (15) and runs until 23:59:59 on May 31st. The change, according to the Revenue, was necessary for all taxpayers to have access to the pre-filled statement, which is sent two weeks after the delivery of income reports by employers, health plans and financial institutions.
In the past, the deadline for submitting the declaration began on the first working day of March and ended on the last working day of April. With the later start this year, more taxpayers have gained time to submit the declaration on the first day.
In addition to the pre-filled declaration, through which the taxpayer only needs to confirm the data and send it, another factor that boosted the record was the anticipation of download of the generator program of the document. Initially scheduled to be made available from this Wednesday, the program was released in advance for last Thursday (9).
According to the Federal Revenue, the expectation is that between 38.5 million and 39.5 million declarations will be received this year, a number higher than the record registered in 2022, when the Tax Authorities received 36,322,912 documents. Those who send the declaration after the deadline will pay a fine of R$ 165.74 or 20% of the tax due, whichever is greater.
This year’s statement has news regarding restitution. Anyone who chooses to receive the refund via Pix or use the pre-filled statement will receive the amount faster, always respecting legal priorities. In relation to Pix, however, the novelty only applies to those who declare the Individual Taxpayer Registration (CPF) key in the refund payment field.
Another important change is the expansion of data available in the pre-filled declaration. Last year, access had been extended to those with a silver or gold level account on the Portal. Now, the form, which provides more convenience and reduces the chances of errors by the taxpayer, will have more information, such as real estate registered in the notary and crypto assets.
There was also a novelty in relation to those who have investments in the stock exchange. The Revenue made the declaration mandatory for this public. Only those who made high-value sales or made a profit (of any amount) in these applications should complete the declaration.
Foto de © Marcello Casal JrAgência Brasil
Economia,Receita Federal,Imposto de Renda,IRPF 2023,declaração do Imposto de Renda