Rodrigo Amaral, entrepreneur: “I foresee four more years of mediocre growth”

Roberto Dardis interviews Rodrigo Amaral, an architect and urban planner graduated from USP and a television screenwriter, businessman, partner at Dos Mundos Creations, a company that operates in the field of architecture and decoration.

Roberto Dardis – We need more reforms and we know that many flee from this nest, what is our way out?

Rodrigo Amaral – The work of little ant. Every day we need to teach someone that reforms are needed. If each of us convinces one person a day, we can change things. But it’s a long-term solution. In the short term, the exit is the airport.

RD – Would you say that high interest rates interfere a lot with investments or does it not interfere?

RA – Negatively interferes with productive investments. High interest rates indicate that the country’s macroeconomic fundamentals are not doing well. They signal uncertainties, lack of confidence in the government’s ability to keep accounts under control. In scenarios like these, it’s preferable to invest in the safety of a high-yield fixed-income fund and let my money work for me.

RD – Are you confident in investing in Brazil?

RA – No. I invest here because I live here. But I don’t feel safe.

RD – How does the business community see Brazil in order to invest?

RA – I don’t know any small business owner who has made a business plan and who has studied a lot before opening his business. If he had done the math, he would hardly have opened it. But we are more stubborn than intelligent and we bet on the country. The government is a terrible partner that we have to carry.

RD – How would you rate the interference of politics in the economy?

RA – Score zero. The current government is giving all the signs that it will increase spending and that it will need more revenue, that is, that it will increase taxes. Traditionally, Lulopetista governments tend to disturb the economic environment with more bureaucracy and “protectionist” measures, which only protect the interests of inefficient economic groups. I foresee four more years of mediocre growth.

By Brasil 61

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