Rural credit: disbursement reaches R$373.4 billion in eleven months

Rural credit: disbursement reaches R3.4 billion in eleven months
The disbursement of rural credit under the 2023/24 Harvest Plan reached R$373.4 billion in the period from July/2023 to May/2024, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock. The amount represents an increase of 13% compared to the same period last harvest.

In the last eleven months, 2,025,768 contracts were signed, 1,531,980 of which were in the National Program for Strengthening Family Farming (Pronaf) and 175,511 in the National Support Program for Medium Rural Producers (Pronamp). Resources for small and medium-sized producers for all purposes – funding, investment, commercialization and industrialization – were R$54.5 billion in Pronaf and R$46.8 billion in Pronamp.

The other producers formalized 318,277 contracts, equivalent to R$272 billion in financing released by financial institutions.

Economist Gilberto Braga highlights the importance of rural credit for most farmers. “Crop financing is something that is common, necessary under specific conditions for the sector.”

Braga assesses that, despite the harvest being smaller than the previous one, there is still the possibility of consistent production due to credits to producers. He points out that the result of the last 11 months is positive and can bring advantageous agricultural results, despite the loss due to the floods in Rio Grande do Sul and less favorable weather conditions at the moment.

“It is an important result, since there is only the month of June left to complete the cycle. So, it already signals that we will be able to have a very consistent agricultural production for the next period. We will not have the same success as we had with the production of grains from the previous year, but still in very advantageous conditions for the next period, despite climate issues and what happened in Rio Grande do Sul”, he mentions.

According to records, financing costs amounted to R$205.4 billion. And investment lines contracted reached R$90.6 billion. Furthermore, commercialization operations reached R$48.5 billion and industrialization operations totaled R$28.9 billion.

According to the Ministry, the values ​​indicated are provisional and were extracted from the Rural Credit and Proagro Operations System (Sicor/BCB) on May 5th.

By Brasil 61

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