Rural Women Award: Spain Recognizes is open for applications until May 31

Rural Women Award: Spain Recognizes is open for applications until May 31

The 2nd edition of the Rural Women Award – Spain Recognizes is open for registration. Organizations or women’s collectives interested in participating have until May 31st to complete an online form. The Ministry of Integration and Regional Development is one of the Federal Government bodies that support the initiative. Click here To sign up.

The award organizers are the Spanish Embassy in Brazil, the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and UN Women. The objective is to recognize experiences of rural women as transformers of agrifood systems, climate action and protection of the environment, their communities, organizations and institutions and other women.

According to the announcement, the proposals submitted must be about experiences or services developed in Brazil and belong to a collective of rural women. Entries from individuals or organizations and mixed groups (composed of men and women) will not be accepted.

First place will receive R$ 25,000; the second, with R$ 15 thousand and the third, with R$ 10 thousand. The three best-scoring experiences will also receive a notebook, monitoring and technical assistance for six months and free use, also for six months, of the Rural Commerce Platform, with business diagnostic services, sustainable business model, development plan and management digitization business enterprise.

Clique here for more details about the award.

By Brasil 61

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