São Paulo is the Brazilian state with the lowest price of regular gasoline

Regular gasoline registers an average of R$ 5.39 in São Paulo. In the capital, the average is R$ 5.40/liter.

In the state, Diadema registered the lowest gasoline price in the country, at R$ 4.62. The amount is registered at a white flag post in the Jardim Maravilha neighborhood. Then there is the gas station in the neighborhood of Piraporinha, with a white flag, which sells gasoline at R$ 4.69/liter.

Three municipalities also record the same gasoline sales value: Mogi das Cruzes, Sorocaba and Itaquaquecetuba.

The state also records the minimum for gasoline with additives, at R$ 4.85, in Guarulhos. The capital registers R$ 4.89 and then are the municipalities of Taubaté, Campinas, São José dos Campos and Caçapava, at R$ 4.94/liter.

The same occurs with hydrated ethanol. São Paulo stands out with the cheapest cities in the country for fuel. The municipalities of Presidente Prudente and Mococa registered a minimum of R$ 2.95. Next are the municipalities of Jales and Limeira, which registered fuel sales at R$ 2.97 and R$ 2.98, respectively.

The data is from Oil National AgencyNatural Gas and Biofuels, the ANP.

By Brasil 61

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