Savings has a net inflow of R$ 2.59 billion in June

Savings has a net inflow of R$ 2.59 billion in June
Savings has a net inflow of R$ 2.59 billion in June
After six months of net withdrawals, record in may, the balance of the application in the savings account rose again with the registration of more deposits than withdrawals in June. Last month, inflows exceeded withdrawals by R$2.595 billion, according to a report released this Friday (7th), in Brasília, by the Central Bank (BC).

Last year, the bank account registered a record net outflow (more withdrawals than deposits) of R$103.24 billion, in a scenario of high inflation and debt.

Yields once again gained from inflation due to increases in the Selic rate (the economy’s basic interest rate), but other fixed-income investments continue to be more attractive than savings.

Foto de © José Cruz/Agência Brasil

poupança,banco central,Economia

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