Security in the countryside: police stations specializing in agrarian conflicts approved by Commission

Security in the countryside: police stations specializing in agrarian conflicts approved by Commission
Reinforcing security for rural producers has yet another victory in the Chamber of Deputies. The bill that provides for the creation of police stations specializing in agrarian conflicts has just been approved by the Public Security Commission. The idea is to create specific structures to help combat land disputes. The police stations must also investigate property crimes and situations of violence or serious threats in the countryside, as described by the author of the PL, Deputy Delegate Fabio Costa (PP-AL).

Agrarian conflicts are defined by projectsuch as disputes between property owners and landless rural workers. The cost of implementing these police stations can be done with resources from the National Public Security Fund. To become law, the project still needs to go through the Finance and Taxation, and Constitution, Justice and Citizenship committees. Furthermore, it needs to be approved by both the Chamber of Deputies and the Federal Senate.

For the rapporteur, deputy Magda Mofatto (PRD-GO), the creation of these police stations will allow a faster and more effective response, combating invasions and ensuring strict application of the law, protecting both the land and the safety of rural workers.

By Brasil 61

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