Socio-Environmental Fund: CAIXA receives proposals for Integrated and Sustainable Development of the Territory until September 22

Publication date: September 13, 2024, 5:31 PM, Last updated: September 13, 2024, 5:38 PM

Do you have an innovative idea that could transform your community? Stay tuned! CAIXA will select projects that apply the Integrated and Sustainable Territorial Development methodology in three regions: Brazilian outskirts and favelas; territories of Minha Casa, Minha Vida developments and surrounding areas; and in municipalities served by Agência Barco Chico Mendes. Interested? Hurry up, applications are open until September 22.

To participate, public and private entities must access the website and register. But be careful! Organizations that have had an active CNPJ for at least two years and are up to date with their legal obligations are eligible to compete.

Proposals must address gender issues and contribute to the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals. Each project may request an investment of between R$1.5 million and R$4 million reais. The resources come from the CAIXA Socio-Environmental Fund, which will allocate up to R$44 million reais in total to this call for proposals.

Stay tuned! Registration must be completed by September 22nd. Don’t forget!

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