Soy records at least five consecutive price increases in Paraná

Soy records at least five consecutive price increases in Paraná
The price of soybeans increased again, this Wednesday (4), by 0.01%. There were at least five lifts in a row. Now, a 60-kilo bag of the product costs 141.35, in different regions of the interior of Paraná.

On the coast of the state, in Paranaguá, a 60-kilo bag of grain began to be traded at R$ 145.57, after a 0.37% increase in price.

As for wheat, there was a jump of 0.24% at the last closing, with a ton of the product sold at R$ 1,416.41, in Paraná.

In Rio Grande do Sul, in turn, the price fell 0.12% and the commodity is traded at R$1,255.24 per ton.

The values ​​are from Cepea.

By Brasil 61

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