SP: Agribusiness registers surplus and boosts exports in the first half of 2023

Agribusiness in São Paulo showed positive results in the first half of 2023, with successive monthly surpluses. The state recorded a surplus of almost US$ 10 billion, with growth of 6.4% compared to the same period in 2022, points out the Institute of Agricultural Economics (IEA-Apta). According to economist César Bergo, the favorable climate and national and international demands contributed to the increase.

“We had growth in São Paulo agribusiness exports of 12.6 billion and imports of 2.59 billion. The main buyers of these products were China, mainly soy and meat; European Union, which consumed juice and also products from the sugar-alcohol sector, collard greens and coffee; and the United States, which consumed juice and meat”, informs the economist.

During the first half of 2023, the sectors that most stood out in agribusiness exports from São Paulo were:

  • sugar and alcohol complex, with US$ 3.67 billion, with emphasis on sugar;
  • soy complex, with US$ 2.51 billion, with emphasis on soy in grain;
  • meat sector, with US$ 1.51 billion, with emphasis on beef;
  • forest products, with US$ 1.31 billion, with emphasis on cellulose and paper;
  • juice group, with US$ 964.37 million, with emphasis on orange juice.

The biggest increases were in the sugar and alcohol complex (+22.6%), juices (+18.3%) and forestry products (+2.4%), compared to the same period of 2022.

César Bergo also points to improvements in road and communication systems as determining factors for the surplus. “It allowed a better flow of production to the large distribution centers, it also helps to improve efficiency in receiving goods and inputs necessary for work in the field”, he explains.

In addition, for the economist, the availability of credit and insurance for the agricultural sector was able to encourage the business of livestock farmers, artisanal fishermen and cooperative associations of rural producers.

In São Paulo, the municipalities that most stand out in agribusiness are:

  • Itapeva
  • White House
  • Morro Agudo
  • Itai

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São Paulo: 2023 soybean sowing period begins on September 16

2023 brings positive expectations for agribusiness in São Paulo

By Brasil 61

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