S&P raises Brazil’s rating and country’s outlook changes from “stable” to “positive”.

One of the three most important risk rating agencies, Standard & Poor’s, raised Brazil’s rating. The change occurs for the first time since 2019, after the agency removed the country’s investment grade. The credit rating was maintained at BB- and the agency revised Brazil’s outlook from “stable” to “positive”.

Two other major market agencies, Fitch and Moody’s, also rate Brazil at BB-, but with a “stable” rating only.

The scenario of better-than-expected economic growth, driven mainly by the rise in agribusiness and stability in the conduct of fiscal and monetary policies, with the advancement of the new fiscal framework, contributes to the better prospects for the country.

The approval of pragmatic economic measures, such as the tax reform, is also a relevant factor for a positive revision of the indicator.

On the other hand, the inadequate political structure, which leads to fiscal deterioration, as well as a higher-than-expected debt, form a situation that prevents a greater positive review of country risk.

In the face of the review carried out by S & P, the dollar extended its fall and the stock market accelerated to the highest level since October 2022, at 119 thousand points.

This type of risk classification contributes to the investment criteria of international investors.

By Brasil 61

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