Sugar prices fall slightly

This Wednesday (07), crystal sugar is being sold at R$131.45 per 50 kg bag, with prices dropping in the city of São Paulo (SP). In Santos, without taxes, the bag of crystal sugar is being sold at R$130.10 with freight to the city’s port. According to Cepea/USP, there are few negotiations in larger quantities of sugar.

The price of Arabica coffee rose sharply, to R$1,430.30, in the city of São Paulo (SP). The price of Robusta coffee also rose, to 2.70%, and a 60-kilo bag costs R$1,294.20, for collection in Espírito Santo (ES).

The price of corn rose slightly at the last closing and costs R$59.20 in the reference region of Campinas (SP), per 60 kg bag.

The values ​​are from Cepea.

By Brasil 61

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