Sugar prices stable | Brazil 61

Sugar prices stable |  Brazil 61
Sugar prices stable |  Brazil 61

Publication date: July 1, 2024, 02:00h, Updated on: July 1, 2024, 06:45h

This Monday (1st), crystal sugar is sold at R$ 132.85, per 50 kg bag, in the city of São Paulo. In Santos, without taxes, a bag of crystal sugar is sold at R$ 134.45 with shipping to the city’s port.

According to Cepea/USP, in the last week, price stability occurred with buyers who looked for small volumes of sugar, expecting a drop in prices with the advancement of the 2024/25 harvest.

The price of corn rose at the last closing date and costs R$57.20, in the reference region of Campinas (SP), per 60 kg bag.

For Arabica coffee, the price is quoted at R$1,370.80, per 60kg bag, in the city of São Paulo.

Robusta coffee costs R$1,222.45 in Espírito Santo.

The values ​​are from Cepea.

By Brasil 61

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