Sustainable Mining Parliamentary Front wants resources for ANM in the fiscal framework

Sustainable Mining Parliamentary Front wants resources for ANM in the fiscal framework
The president of the Parliamentary Front for Sustainable Mining (FPMin), federal deputy Zé Silva (Solidariedade/MG), presented amendment No. 79 to the Bill for the new fiscal framework (PLP No. 93/23). The objective is to withdraw the resources of the National Mining Agency (ANM) from the spending ceiling and, in this way, avoid the contingency of these essential resources. The urgency of the amendment was approved by the plenary of the Chamber on May 23.

The ANM regulates and supervises mineral activity in the country, but it has faced serious problems due to limited resources. An analysis carried out by the Federal Court of Auditors (TCU) identified a budgetary and financial deficit, insufficient technological and human resources, in addition to a lack of transparency in the allocation of mining royalties and in the supervision of the issuance of user guides. “The structuring of the ANM is fundamental to promote sustainable mining in our country, guaranteeing the preservation of the environment and social responsibility”, emphasized the president of FPMin, deputy Zé Silva.

The amendment proposed by FPMin aims to strengthen the ANM and ensure the necessary resources for the full performance of its attributions, promoting mineral activity in a sustainable and responsible manner. ANM has the legal right to receive 7% of mining royalties, but these resources have been limited over the years, which has compromised the development of the sector and its ability to generate jobs, income and economic growth, in addition to environmental security environment and the population. “Mining is a strategic sector for Brazil, contributing significantly to the generation of employment and income, exports and trade balance. We need to ensure that the ANM has the necessary instruments to promote the expansion of mining activity and the benefits that this brings to the Brazilian population”, highlighted the president of FPMin.

FPMin is committed to ensuring ANM’s financial autonomy and driving the Brazilian mineral sector towards sustainability. To this end, it launched the #ANMForteJá campaign with the aim of raising awareness in society and the competent bodies about the importance of strengthening the ANM and guaranteeing adequate resources for its work.

By Brasil 61

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