Swiss government announces donations to the Amazon Fund

The announcement was made at the opening of the Brazil-Switzerland Investment Forum, an event being held in Brasília.
The amounts were not disclosed, but, according to the Swiss advisor for the areas of Economy, Education and Research, Guy Parmelin, the first donations should take place in the coming weeks.
Through social networks, the vice-president and minister of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services, Geraldo Alckmin, who also participated in the opening of the event, thanked the Swiss government for its help. “Switzerland is among the 10 largest investors in Brazil, with 660 companies installed in the country. We enthusiastically welcome the prospects of donations by Switzerland of resources to the Amazon Fund”, said Alckmin.
Resources from the Amazon Fund are used in actions to promote sustainability and combat deforestation in the region.
In addition to funds coming from Switzerland, the Fund expects to receive amounts donated by the United States, Norway, Germany and the United Kingdom.
Created in 2008, the Amazon Fund is managed by the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) and works as a kind of credit that other countries give to Brazil for the good results of its environmental policies.
Foto de © Valter Campanato/Agência Brasil
Fórum Brasil-Suíça,Fundo Amazônia,Desmatamento,Economia