Tax reform is a bet for the reindustrialization of the country

Tax simplification can enable a reindustrialization of the country. This is how he evaluates the second vice-president of the Parliamentary Front for Entrepreneurship (FPE), deputy Danilo Forte (União Brasil-CE).

Forte and the other members of the front, in addition to representatives of entities linked to the service sector, participated in a meeting this Tuesday (21) with the Extraordinary Secretary for Tax Reform of the Ministry of Finance, Bernard Appy. For the parliamentarian, the need for a tax reform in the country is unanimous, what remains is to define the details.

“The problem is to reach the common point of the equation of checks and balances regarding the size of the rates and the expansion of the collection base that will be made, because due to the concern of expanding this taxation in the service sector, you have to compensate it on the question of products, mainly on industrialization. And, with that, you can even help a reindustrialization policy for the country a lot, increasing the job offer and increasing productivity, Brazil’s competitiveness in relation to the international market”, commented the deputy.

The service sector has so far been reluctant to discuss the new fiscal rules. This is because there should be an increase in rates on part of the activities in the service sector as a way of maintaining the global tax burden.

A solution that appealed to service sector representatives was presented by Deputy Danilo Forte. “I think you will have to differentiate the types of services and which are the services that have the capacity to incorporate higher tariffs and which are the services that are essential, which will have lower tariffs.”, suggested the congressman.

Secretary Appy chose not to speak directly to the press, but the tendency is for the proposal to be discussed first in the Chamber of Deputies and, if approved, to the Federal Senate. As it is a Proposed Amendment to the Constitution (PEC), it must be approved by three-fifths of parliamentarians, that is, receive 308 favorable votes from deputies and 49 from senators.

By Brasil 61

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