The price of fat cattle has risen and the arroba is sold at R$ 285.80

The price of fat cattle arroba started this Friday (4) with an increase of 1.71% and the product is traded at R$ 285.80, in the state of São Paulo.

Chilled and frozen chicken remain stable and per kilo is traded at R$7.55 and R$7.41, respectively, in the reference regions of Greater São Paulo, São José do Rio Preto and Descalvado.

Pig prices also did not change. The special carcass is traded at R$12.94/kilo. A kilo of live pig is sold at R$ 8.96 in Minas Gerais and São Paulo, R$ 8.38 in Santa Catarina and R$ 8.19 in Rio Grande do Sul. Only in Paraná, there was a drop of 0 .47% and a kilo of live pigs is sold at R$ 8.49.

The information is from Cepea.

By Brasil 61

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