There are 10 days left for the deadline to submit the IR return

There are 10 days left for the deadline to submit the IR return
On May 31, the deadline for the taxpayer to submit the 2023 Individual Income Tax declaration ends. .5 million by the end of the term.

Completion and delivery can be done through the Declaration Generator Program for the year 2023, which is available for download no IRS website; through the service online My Income Taxfor the Portal e-CAC or through the app tablets and cell phones.

To reduce the risk of errors, the Revenue advises taxpayers to use the pre-filled declaration, a model with various information already available from the Treasury’s databases. Even so, it is everyone’s responsibility to check and correct, if necessary, the imported information, in addition to including data that does not appear in the system.


This year, the pre-filled template could be used from the first day of the submission deadline, March 15th. According to today’s balance sheet, 22% of the declarations already sent were with this pre-completion option.

who use the pre-filled statement or choose to receive the refund amount through the Pix key (provided that the key is the citizen’s CPF) will have priority in receiving the refund, always respecting legal priorities, such as the elderly, teachers and people with disabilities. The payment of refunds begins on May 31st and was divided into five monthly groups until September 29th, according to the date of delivery of the declaration.

There was also a novelty in relation to those who have investments in the stock exchange, in the futures market or in similar investments. The Revenue made the declaration mandatory for this public.

Now, only those who sold shares whose sum exceeded BRL 40,000 or who made a profit of any amount from the sale of shares in 2022, subject to the collection of income tax, regardless of the value of the sale, are only obliged to send the declaration. Before, any taxpayer who had bought or sold shares in the previous year, in any amount, was required to declare.

According to data from B3, the Brazilian stock exchange, there was an increase in people investing money in the stock market. In 2022, the number of investors in B3 grew by 17.5%, and 80% started with very low values, up to R$ 1 thousand.

The vehicles of Brazil Communications Company gathered the main guidelines for settling accounts with the Lion. To read and listen to all the articles on the IR 2023 FAQ seriesgo to the special page.

Social destination

The taxpayer can also allocate up to 6% of the amount owed in income tax for social projects and cultural activities, or 7% if it includes sports projects.

Is it possible to make the destination in the statement itself. The limit is up to 3% of the tax for each special fund – for children and adolescents; and the elderly person. These amounts are deducted from the income tax due, that is, the taxpayer does not pay anything extra for it. In cases where the citizen has tax to refund, the amount will be added to the refund.

Already recipe pagethere is a step-by-step guide on how to make the allocation for individuals and companies.

For audiovisual activities, in the area of ​​culture and sports and para-sports projects, there is no direct destination option in the declaration, but it is possible to deduct the values ​​of donations that were made throughout the calendar year, in this case 2022.

For the Federal Revenue, the destination is a mechanism that allows the application of part of the collected tax in a cause considered important for the citizen, reflecting the social responsibility and values ​​of each taxpayer.

Check other information:

Check the details of the 2023 Income Tax Return

Check the details of the 2023 Income Tax Return – Art/EBC

Foto de © Joédson Alves/Agência Brasil

Economia,Declaração do IR,Receita Federal,prazo de entrega

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