“There will be no shortage of money for farmers who want to finance the crop”

“We are correcting the Pronaf (Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture) by 34%. Therefore, we expect the resources to reach the end. But, if they don’t reach the end, president Lula himself yesterday (28) said: ‘Look, if you spend it, count on me’. He meant the following: there will be no shortage of money for farmers who want financing for their crops.”
By participating in an interview with radio stations during the Good Morning, MinisterTeixeira recalled that the volume of funds announced by the federal government for family farming is the largest among all harvest plans.
R$ 71.6 billion will be allocated to rural credit for family farming via Pronaf for the 2023/2024 harvest. Added to actions such as public purchases, technical assistance and rural extension, Minimum Price Guarantee Policy for Sociobiodiversity Products, Crop Guarantee and Proagro Mais, the total reaches R$ 77.7 billion for family farming.
“If, by chance, the enthusiasm is greater and the planting of food in Brazil improves, which will influence the reduction of inflation – it is important to say this and this message we have to give to the Central Bank: high interest rates do not control inflation , what controls inflation is to lower interest rates to invest in agriculture and thus have more food. But, if there is a lack of money, President Lula already said yesterday that he can count on him”, concluded the minister.
Foto de © Rafa Neddermeyer/Agência Brasil
ministro do Desenvolvimento Agrário,safra,Agricultor,Agricultura Familiar,Economia