Tickets for Expo Favela Innovation Rio are now on sale

Tickets for Expo Favela Innovation Rio are now on sale
Tickets for Expo Favela Innovation Rio are now on sale
For the first time, the Expo Favela Innovation – entrepreneurship fair that establishes connections between favela and asphalt – arrives in Rio de Janeiro in July. Ticket sales have already started. The event is an initiative of Favela Holding, being produced by InFavela in partnership with the Central Única das Favelas (Cufa).

The first edition in Rio will take place from the 29th to the 31st of this month, at Cidades das Artes. Prices are offered per day. Favela tickets cost R$15 and R$7.50 for half, while those classified as asphalt tickets cost R$30 for the full ticket and R$15 for the half ticket. The difference is the way the visitor recognizes himself. Children under 14 years old and over 65 years old do not pay. Tickets can now be purchased via site.

According to the Executive Director of Favela Holding and creator of the event, Celso Athayde, Expo Favela Innovation was born with the purpose of showing the powers of the favelas in Brazil, offering a space for inclusion and empowerment. “No one will be identified by the ticket they bought, this question is up to each one’s conscience”, he argues.

talks and shows

The program is varied and includes exhibitions, lectures, talks and shows. Names known to the public – Serjão Loroza, Paula Lima, Hélio de La Penã, Flávia Oliveira, Regina Casé, Samantha Almeida, Kondzila and MV Bill – will be present at the event.

The fair grew and will now be held throughout the national territory, with editions in Amapá, Goiás, Mato Grosso, Paraíba, Rondônia and Sergipe, in addition to the edition in Rio and the national grand final, in December, in São Paulo. The state also hosted its regional edition in March of this year (featured image).

All the schedule and information about the event are on the site.

*Intern under the supervision of Akemi Nitahara

Foto de © Fernando Frazão/Agência Brasil

Feira,Favela,Rio de Janeiro,Expo Favela Innovation Rio,Economia

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