Tourism has the highest turnover in May since 2014, says CNC

Tourism has the highest turnover in May since 2014, says CNC
Tourism has the highest turnover in May since 2014, says CNC
Tourism in Brazil had, in 2023, the highest revenue for a month of May since 2014, announced this Tuesday (25) the National Confederation of Trade in Goods, Services and Tourism (CNC). The volume of revenues totaled R$ 36.1 billion, with an increase of 8.6% in relation to the same month of last year, and 4% in comparison with April of this year.

In the assessment of the president of the CNC, José Roberto Tadros, the sector has resumed its income with employability, development of new businesses and attraction of foreign investment. Another indicator of this movement is that the average flow of aircraft in the 10 largest airports in Brazil returned, in May, to the level observed before the pandemic.

From the point of view of domestic tourism, the rise is related to the high cost of traveling abroad and the high supply of Brazilian tourism products. From the perspective of foreign tourists, the exchange rate and the infrastructure aimed at international tourism make Brazil a good option.

More jobs and companies

With the strengthening of economic activity in the sector, 64.2 thousand job openings were created between January and May in tourism, 9.6 thousand of which in May alone. For the year 2023, CNC’s projection is a generation of 101.6 thousand new jobs.

As well as the number of jobs, the number of companies in the sector is also on the rise. In May of this year there were 10% more establishments than in the same month last year, a list that includes cultural services and accommodation, bars and restaurants, passenger transport, car rental, travel agencies and others.

Despite being frequently associated with accommodation and travel agencies, the tourist services that had the greatest growth in terms of establishments were vehicle rental (12.4%), cultural services (11.5%) and bars and restaurants (10.9%).

The CNC also informs that inflation was more intense in the tourism sector than in the economy in general. While the Extended National Consumer Price Index (IPCA) accumulated 2.95% in May, the average increase in prices in the tourism sector was 6%. The biggest increases were registered in the prices of tour packages (10.5%) and lodging (15.8%). Transport costs per application fell by 4.6% for the consumer.

Foto de © Bruna Prado/ MTUR

turismo,brasil,CNC,volume de receitas,Economia

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