Tourism Map: city halls must renew registration

Municipal Tourism managers from all over the country must register or renew their city’s registration in the Brazilian Tourism Map, to continue being part of the Federal Government’s public policy. The Map is a tool that brings together municipalities with a tourist vocation or that are impacted by the travel sector.

According to the Ministry of Tourism, being on the map makes it possible for the municipality to collaborate with the development of local tourism, because it allows benefits such as receiving resources, participating in public policies and obtaining training through professional qualification.

To renew the registration, the municipal manager of Tourism must click HERE

Recent data from the federal government show that more than half of Brazilian municipalities have already understood the importance of the tool and are included in the system.

This is the case of Cavalcante, in the interior of Goiás. According to the director of local Tourism, Leonardo Victor Moreira de Carvalho, the municipality has already updated its registration on the Map “because it ensures that good decisions are made”. He reported that this instrument of the Ministry of Tourism identifies investment needs and promotion actions in each region of the country.

“I consider SisMapa very important, because it helps planning Tourism throughout Brazil”, he highlighted. “This year, we updated our registration and reiterated our commitment to this tool”, said the Director of Tourism.

What is it

The Brazilian Tourism Map is an instrument of the Tourism Regionalization Program, which defines the area (territorial section) to be worked on as a priority by the Ministry of Tourism in the scope of the development of public policies. Updates can be made from 30 days before the registration term, which is 12 months. The validity of the registration varies according to the date of certification in the Map, after homologation by the states and approval of the portfolio.

According to the Press Office of the Ministry of Tourism, municipalities should be alert to the notifications sent by the system. The documentation must be updated for the current fiscal year, otherwise the municipality runs the risk of being excluded from the system.


Participation in the Map is open to all Brazilian municipalities, as long as they comply with the criteria established in Ministerial Ordinance No. 41/2021. The interested municipality must have a secretariat (or department) focused on Tourism, Budget Law, providers of tourist services of regular obligatory activity in CADASTUR, Municipal Council of Active Tourism, sign a term of commitment and fill in the tab referring to tourist activity of the municipalities.

Municipal Tourism managers must also prove the existence of a regional governance instance in Tourism, such as a council, forum, committee or association, responsible for its management. After filling in the information by the municipalities, the states and the DF, through their official bodies in the sector, have up to 30 calendar days to review and homologate the registrations in the Mapa system and send them for approval by the Ministry of Tourism.

In turn, the Ministry has up to 15 “concurrent” days to carry out the approval and publish it on the Map. After inclusion, the registration will be valid for 01 (one) year.

By Brasil 61

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