Treasury Direct sales break record for June

The volume represents an increase of 3.93% compared to that recorded in the same month last year (R$ 3.668 billion). However, it represents a drop of 11.65% compared to May (R$ 4.314 billion). Treasury Direct’s historic monthly record occurred in Marchwhen sales totaled R$ 6.842 billion.
The securities most sought after by investors in June were those corrected by the Selic (basic interest rates for the economy), whose share in sales reached 62.1%. Inflation-linked securities (Extended National Consumer Price Index – IPCA) accounted for 21.8% of the total, while prefixed securities, with interest defined at the time of issuance, accounted for 12.7%. Destined to finance retirements, the RendA+ Treasury, launched at the beginning of the year, accounted for 3.4% of sales.
interest attract
Interest in securities linked to basic interest rates is justified by the high level of the Selic rate. In June 2021, the Central Bank (BC) started raising the Selic rate. The rate, which was at 2% per year, at the lowest level in history, jumped to 13.75% per year and has been at that level since August 2022. Even with the expectation of a drop in basic interest rates in the second half, investors continue to buy these bonds.
The total stock of the Direct Treasury is close to R$ 120 billion. At the end of June, the volume of securities associated with the program totaled BRL 118.162 billion, an increase of 1.74% compared to the previous month (BRL 116.136 billion) and 25.61% compared to June of last year (BRL 94.073 billion). This increase occurred because sales surpassed redemptions by R$ 1.176 billion last month.
Regarding the number of investors, 333.8 thousand new participants registered in the program last month. The total number of investors reached 24,667,650. In the last 12 months, the number of investors accumulates an increase of 26.55%. The total number of active investors (with open operations) reached 2,246,777, an increase of 11.81% in 12 months.
The use of the Direct Treasury by small investors can be observed by the considerable number of sales of up to R$ 5 thousand, which corresponded to 82.8% of the total of 605,134 sales operations that took place in June. Investments of up to R$ 1,000 alone accounted for 60.5%. The average value per operation reached R$ 6,299.28.
Investors are preferring medium-term stocks. Sales of bonds with terms between 1 and 5 years represented 35.7% and those with terms between 5 and 10 years, 46.8% of the total. Bonds with terms of more than ten years accounted for 17.4% of sales.
The complete balance sheet of the Direct Treasury is available at Transparent Treasury page.
The Direct Treasury was created in January 2002 to popularize this type of application and allow individuals to acquire public securities directly from the National Treasury, via the Internet, without the intermediation of financial agents.
Investors only need to pay a semi-annual fee to B3, the Brazilian stock exchange, which has custody of the securities. More information can be obtained from the Treasury Direct website.
The sale of securities is one of the ways the government has to raise funds to pay debts and honor commitments. In exchange, the National Treasury undertakes to return the amount with an additional fee that may vary according to the Selic rate, inflation rates, exchange rates or a rate defined in advance in the case of pre-fixed securities.
Foto de © Marcello Casal JrAgência Brasil
vendas do Tesouro Direto,Tesouro Direto,Taxa Selic,Economia