Unemployment rate rises significantly in 16 states in the first quarter of 2023

The country’s unemployment rate in the first quarter of 2023 was 8.8%, increasing 0.9 percentage points (pp) compared to the fourth quarter of 2022 (7.9%) and falling 2.4 pp compared to the same quarter of 2022 (11.1%). Data are from the Continuous National Household Sample Survey (Continuous PNAD), released by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).

Economist Carlos Almeida, from the company GWX Investimentos, points out that the scenario may be related to periodicity, because when the end of the year comes, hiring usually decreases because there is an increase due to the end of year festivities.

“These IBGE data actually corroborate the movement that ends up being seasonal, after a hiring movement in the fourth quarter of the year due to the end of year festivities. In the first quarter, in general, this movement is out of balance. now, at this moment in the economy of Brazil, the domestic economy and the international economy, where we are seeing the maintenance of high interest rates, which are still very persistent, the Central Bank maintaining interest rates at 13.75%, without signaling a drop yet and a slowdown of the economy, consequently the hiring rate decreases,” he points out.

In the first quarter, the highest unemployment rates were in Bahia with 14.4%, Pernambuco with 14.1% and Amapá with 12.2%. The smallest were registered in Rondônia 3.2%, Santa Catarina 3.8% and Mato Grosso 4.5%.

For Alessandra Brito, Analyst of the Continuous National Household Sample Survey (Continuous PNAD), this growth in the unemployment rate was also due to informal jobs in the country.

“When we analyze the informality rate in the first quarter of 2023, we estimate a rate of 39% for Brazil, but with some important regional differences, the highest rates occurred in Pará 59.6%, Amazonas with 57 ,two%. While the lowest rates were with the Federal District 30.3% and Santa Catarina with 26.1%”, he says.

Unemployment is 7.2% for men and 10.8% for women in the first quarter of 2023. For white people it was 6.8% and above for blacks 11.3% and browns 10.1% . People with incomplete secondary education was 15.2% higher than those of the other levels of education considered. For people with incomplete higher education, the rate was 9.2%, more than double for complete higher education, which remained at 4.5%.

By Brasil 61

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