Universalization of sanitation could boost the real estate sector by up to R$48 billion

Universalization of sanitation could boost the real estate sector by up to R billion
Access to basic sanitation not only affects people’s health, the environment, and quality of life, but it also impacts work and significantly interferes with the economy. But there is another area that also benefits from the quality of the sewage collection and water treatment service: the real estate sector. According to Instituto Trata Brasil, the universalization of sanitation could result in real estate gains of up to R$48 billion.

The survey shows that offering a good service adds value to existing buildings and allows new constructions to increase in value. Furthermore, it manages to boost real estate activity in cities and contributes to increasing the value of real estate assets and projects.

Lawyer specializing in environmental law and agribusiness Evandro Grilli explains that sanitation directly affects different sectors of the economy and, consequently, society.

“When you solve the sanitation problem, you increase the value of properties and bring a much greater financial movement to the economy, because you will have more people paying, saving on health issues and being able to invest more in their housing”, he points out. And he adds:

“If we have sanitation in all areas of urban expansion, you already assume that new real estate developments in these urban areas already served by basic sanitation, they are more valued real estate developments with a better market price”, he concludes.

Sanitation x Housing

According to the study “Economic and Social Benefits of the Expansion of Brazilian Sanitation 2022”from Instituto Trata Brasil, people who rent property or live in their own home would be able to earn around R$2.4 billion per year in the country, with the universalization of sanitation – a total of R$48 billion between 2021 and 2040.

In the opinion of biologist and civil engineer Mirella Glajchman, the studies only show that Brazil still does not consider the issue of sanitation as a priority. For her, the government does not realize that sanitation contributes to positive results in social, political and economic aspects.

Mirella regrets that not all regions would be able to benefit from this result.

“Some municipalities are faced with a shortage of specialized professionals, procedural bureaucracy and political issues. The National Information System report on sanitation points to very little progress in relation to the sanitary sewage service rate in the North, Southeast and South macro-regions. In the Northeast region there is even a reduction in this rate”.

Still according to the expert, “while some municipalities evolve. On the other hand, the country is not managing to make great progress in many others.”

In Brazil, the average rent for homes with sanitation is R$792.13, while for homes without basic services it is R$577.82 – a difference of R$214.31, according to data from IBGE (2022 ), from the Brazil Sanitation Panel.

By Brasil 61

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