Valentine’s Day: retail trade can generate R$ 2.59 billion

Valentine’s Day is the sixth most important commemorative date for retail in Brazil in relation to financial transactions. One research by the National Confederation of Commerce in Goods, Services and Tourism (CNC) predicts that retail trade will generate R$2.59 billion in sales in 2024. If the expectation is confirmed, the volume would grow by 5.6% compared to 2023.

The research shows that the clothing, footwear and accessories segment is highlighted in sales on that date, which is expected to generate R$ 1.083 billion. The sector tends to show a real increase of 6.7% compared to 2023, which had R$1.01 billion in turnover.

The housewares and electronics segment should also achieve significant sales in relation to total sales, with an estimate of R$727 million or 28%. The amount increases 3.2% in the annual comparison. Sales of items from pharmacies, perfumeries and cosmetics tend to grow little (1.6%) and should account for just over 10% of all financial transactions expected by the retail sector.

Economist André Galhardo explains the reasons behind an improvement not only on Valentine’s Day, but in different aspects of Brazilian commerce.

  • reduction in the country’s interest rate;
  • improvement in the job market, with more people working and a greater volume of consumption;
  • relative reduction in inflation.

“It’s not that we are in a deflationary environment, with falling prices, but we have a more subtle increase in prices. With relatively lower inflation, there is a little more space within the family budget for families to consume other goods in addition to those of basic necessity”, highlights André Galhardo.

According to the economist, the expectation is for a good scenario in Brazilian trade throughout the second quarter due to the three elements mentioned above.

The research shows that part of the expectation of an increase in sales on a commemorative date can be linked to the recent behavior of the credit market, such as the reduction in the commitment of family income, which is currently close to 30% – being at the lowest level in three years – as well as the reduction of interest on credit operations.


The date celebrates love and there is nothing better than sweetening the life of your partner with chocolate. This is the case of Darlene Alves, 34 years old, human resources professional, resident of Arapoanga in the Federal District. She is married, but always pleases her partner with chocolates on Valentine’s Day. “I always buy gifts on this date. I think it’s important to celebrate. This year I haven’t bought a gift yet, but I intend to. I usually buy some chocolate”, she says.

For those who prefer to give gifts in another way, businesswoman Jacqueline Ferreira, 31 years old, owner of Já Que Amou Maquiagens – with stores located in three administrative regions of the Federal District (Asa Norte, Núcleo Bandeirante and Taguatinga Sul), who provides curation at the time of choosing national makeup, lists tips on how to choose beauty products to give as a gift on Valentine’s Day:

  • Go to specialized places with a photo of your loved one to identify tastes and habits. Examples: if the person uses false eyelashes and lipstick color;
  • Avoid products specific to skin tones. Examples: foundations, powders and concealers. If you want to take risks, loose translucent powders for light skin or loose banana powders for dark skin;
  • Skin care and preparation products are also a good choice;
  • Makeup collections that have to do with your loved one’s style, such as tastes and hobbies;
  • Imported perfumes. “For those who say that when the perfume runs out, the love ends, just replenish the stock”, jokes Jacqueline.


One Tunad researcha Media Intelligence platform, shows an increase of at least 10% in investments in television advertising related to Valentine’s Day in 2024. The survey considers advertising insertions on television and searches carried out by brands on Google and covers open TV in São Paulo and pay TV channels.

Tunad’s COO, Ricardo Monteiro, highlights that television is a path to online shopping. He also mentions that the advertisements that appear most during the commemorative date period.

“Television is one of the factors generating demand. It is natural that television will lead to a large increase in the number of people online looking for something that they saw and that interested them. Now, normally, on Valentine’s Day, what that we see, looking at the type of advertisement that was placed on the air, normally what we see most is perfume, chocolate, flowers”, he says.

By Brasil 61

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