We need to continue to demand new reforms

Even with the improvements we are seeing in the macroeconomic context, we still have a lot to improve. We depend on approvals and new fronts for new reforms.

Who can be happy with what is being promoted for the population in terms of health, safety, infrastructure and jobs?

Knowing that there is a portion of the population that has different privileges and there are many.

Why does congress avoid voting for more reforms, be it for the better the judiciary, politics, administration and more? After all, no one wants to lose the mouth and the benefits they have, such as:

On the Judiciary side;

About 71% of judges in the country receive a monthly salary above the already absurdly high ceiling, R$ 39,000 per month, have 60 days of vacation, housing allowance, book allowance, lifetime health allowance, paid leave, night shift allowance and compensation funds.

On the political side;

Quota for the exercise of parliamentary activity or “cotão” formally quota for the exercise of parliamentary activity CEAP former “indemnity allowance”, office allowance, housing allowance, special social security, privileged jurisdiction, lifetime health plan.

As a Senator, he receives an amount equivalent to the value of his salary at the beginning and end of his term to compensate for expenses with the change. Adding the salary and benefits of each senator, the values ​​reach R$ 165 thousand per month.

We have a large number of congressmen, over 44,000 civil servants in the judiciary and beyond, the second largest congress in the world, second only to the US in size and cost.

We know that these swellings of the government machine are paid for with “our taxes”.

These are the reasons why politicians and jurists and others do not want “general reforms now”, but we need to, Brazil is out of date and we know the reason for all this.

By Brasil 61

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